If you've clicked this then you're probably wondering what I mean.
If you have a website/blog and you would like to advertise it here, then read on.
You're website/blog must...
-Be about emo/scene/goth fashion, etc.
-Be in clear, readable English.
-Be active.
Please understand that...
-Just because your website/blog is on here does NOT mean you will be earning money. Your site/blog is here for advertising ONLY, not for money-making business.
-Your blog/site may be accepted or denied. If you submit your blog or site, there is no guarantee that it will be accepted to be advertised here, even if your website or blog follows all the guidelines
If you are interested in advertising your site/blog please send an e-mail to esgbeauty@gmail.com completing this form:
Name of your site or blog:
What your blog/site is about:
Link to your blog/site:
Picture: (please attach a picture if you would like us to use a picture to advertise your website/blog)
Do you understand that you will not be making money and that your website or blog may be accepted or denied?