Heey guys, guess what!!
Well, we have a chatbox now! *fist pump* so now you can live chat with us. Or chat with other people who are currently viewing the blog. =)
Aaaaand we also have a Facebook fanpage: Click here to go to it!! Please like it.
We also have a "blidget" which is basically a widget that updates with any posts we make here. Please add it to your blog or website. Thx.!!
Okay, advertising. If you have a website that's about emo, scene, goth fashion, etc. and would like to advertise it, please visit the "Advertising" page up there. (If its not there, I'm still making it, check back in a few and it will be there)
Okay, so we have an e-mail from Hayley.
I'm Hayley and I go to a school that has a dress code. We have to wear these disgusting uniforms. It's hard for me to express my style when I have to wear the uniform. I was wondering if you could help me make my uniform look a bit more "emo", because that is my style and I want to express it. Need help asap! Thx! (P.S. deadmau5 ftw ^^)
I know, uniforms suck. What I would do is try to add some badges to your uniform, wear some necklaces, wear some bracelets or wristbands with emo designs or band names. Seeing you like deadmau5, here are a few accessories: http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/HTBrandsAndCollections/Brands/DeadMau5
Here are some more things: http://www.hottopic.com/hottopic/Music/MusicAccessories.jsp
They have some nice accessories here: http://www.darksideclothing.com/
Wear some dark red, black, midnight blue nail polish and some medium eyeliner (they probably won't allow very thick eyeliner), light eyeshadow, and maybe blush.
Hope this helped!
Bye bye for now!!
Thanks for answering my question!!! It helped very much :)