Friday, February 4, 2011

Viewer E-mails #2

Yay! E-mails! Lets start...

First e-mail is from Chelsea.

Hello, how's life?
I saw your blog and I was kinda having the same trouble with mine. I'm a scene/emo who needs help. Except I don't have the money to buy alot of clothes. What do I do to earn money to go shopping for scene clothes?
Secondly, I'm turning 12 soon and I feel that I'm mature enough to be a scene/emo and to wear make-up. Do you think I'm ready for all this stuff, take a break, or tone it down?

I know, scene/emo clothes are not the cheapest things. Since you're 12, there aren't any jobs to apply for (shame on people these days). You probably already do chores around the house, but maybe you could ask for a larger pay from your parents/guardians? If they say no, then you should think of other things you should do around the house (or even outside), maybe shovel the driveway or cut the grass.
First thing I'm going to say is, make a masterpiece out of thrift store clothes! Thrift store clothes are not too expensive. Also, try stores like H&M (yes, I'm serious! I have seen very cute scene/emo scarves there and hair bows), Forever 21, and Pacsun. And yes, even take a trip into some stores that you would know usually go into, and search around, you might find a shirt, maybe even a cute necklace.
As for makeup goes, everyone back in 6th grade was wearing eyeliner, mascara, blush, eyeshadow, and all that jazz! So yes, I do. Just make sure you don't make it look trashy, because I know that's not the look you're going for. And make sure you know what you're doing with the makeup, and if you have to, look for tutorials online. Keep the makeup simple, but still in the range of scene/emo makeup. I would keep the eyeliner light and progress thicker as you get older.

Here are some videos I found:

There are tons of videos all over the web, so keep searching! :D

Bye bye for now!